Varun Sharma, Developer in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Varun is available for hire
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Varun Sharma

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Toptal Member Since
October 8, 2020

Varun是一个充满激情的全栈开发人员,擅长React和Spring Boot项目. He has created eCommerce websites, web-sockets-based chat applications, 并交付了Angular和基于电子的本地应用. Varun was the youngest mentor on the TechGURU team, 作为VMware训练营的一部分,他在那里指导大学毕业生. He believes in code that is scalable and easy to maintain.


Java,, Ember.js, JavaScript, Apache Kafka, CSS, APIs, HTML5, HTML...
Virtual Doctor and Medicines, S.L.
JavaScript, HTML, Vue, APIs, React, Figma, REST APIs, HTML5
Brands Payroll Inc




Preferred Environment

Git, IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Slack, MacOS

The most amazing... I have done was building a doodle service on LinkedIn. The reviewers see a lot of content which might have a toll. The doodles help with their well-being.

Work Experience

Software Developer

2021 - PRESENT
  • 在工作台中实现了涂鸦服务和用户界面, which is the next-gen content moderation tool.
  • 使用Java和Ember JavaScript在Inspector Workbench中增强媒体标签流.
  • 工作台上的在线直播内容源(直播音频室和直播视频), 确保这些内容的审核是无缝的,因为它可能是至关重要的.
  • Led the migration of the ads review queue to Workbench. 这包括Linkedin上出现的所有类型的广告.com.
Technologies: Java,, Ember.js, JavaScript, Apache Kafka, CSS, api, HTML5, HTML, Figma, REST api, Node.js, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, SCSS, Front-end, UI Development, Front-end Architecture, ECMAScript (ES6), User Interface (UI), UI Components, Back-end

Vue Front-end Full Stack Developer

2022 - 2022
Virtual Doctor and Medicines, S.L.
  • 为整个应用程序构建公共组件,这些组件可以跨五个用例重用.
  • 为涉及问卷动态表单和多步骤向导的多个案例开发了E2E UI流.
  • 管理初级开发人员,帮助他们完成工作量和完成案例.
技术:JavaScript, HTML, Vue, api, React, Figma, REST api, HTML5

React and .NET Core Developer

2022 - 2022
Brands Payroll Inc
  • Worked with React to develop new features like power imports, employee time and labor, live reports, and so on.
  • 重构现有的应用程序和服务流程,使之成为一个全新的用户体验和性能更高的用户界面.
  • 升级了npm依赖项,包括React 16到17,这是早该升级的.
Technologies: React,材质UI,前端,UI开发,前端架构, ECMAScript (ES6), User Interface (UI), UI Components

React and Java Full-stack Developer

2020 - 2021
  • Developed from scratch the React-based front end of the application for AppSmart Trade and AppSmart Advance; also worked on multiple features of AppSmart Card.
  • Wrote the app's services using Reactive Spring Boot, specifically for AppSmart Trade and AppSmart Advance; also worked on multiple services of AppSmart Card.
  • 使用Cypress围绕AppDirect基础设施创建了一个自动化框架.io.
  • 与RabbitMQ一起为AppSmart Card、Trade和Advance创建通知服务.
Technologies: React, Java, Spring Boot, Cypress, RabbitMQ, Spring WebFlux, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, React Redux, Front-end, UI Development, Front-end Architecture, ECMAScript (ES6), User Interface (UI), UI Components, Back-end

Full-stack Developer

2020 - 2021
Toptal Clients
  • 为各种微服务开发UI和后端,这些微服务提供顾问执行交易, get the advance amount, and card-related services.
  • 为各种微服务和微ui审核其他人的代码.
  • 创建了一个端到端测试框架,用于测试UI驱动的微服务. This used Cypress.Io,并且该框架无缝地插入到客户端的基础架构中.
Technologies: Java, React, RabbitMQ, TypeScript, JavaScript, Cypress, CSS, APIs, HTML5, HTML, REST APIs, Node.js, React Hooks, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, React Redux, Front-end, UI Development, Front-end Architecture, ECMAScript (ES6), User Interface (UI), Back-end

Full-stack Developer

2018 - 2021
  • Authored the Clarity Design System in React with TypeScript. 由于VMware的产品需要与Clarity Design System保持一致,因此该系统现在被内部用于开发VMware的所有React应用程序, which is in Angular.
  • Served as the only full-stack developer in my team. 拥有多个模块,使用Spring Boot编写服务,使用Java编写插件,使用React编写UI.
  • 开发基于java的状态机,手动自动化若干任务,作为VMware vRealize Suite产品生命周期管理器的一部分.
  • 交付了一个基于Angular和电子的本地应用程序,以使用api来自动化vSphere上的操作. Used Node.js for interprocess communication.
  • 编写了一个基于Click的交互式Python CLI,以提高开发团队的生产力.
  • Owned the public APIs of the product at VMware.
  • 在过去的两年里,作为VMware训练营的一部分,他指导了100多名应届大学毕业生, being the youngest mentor (TechGURU) on the team.
  • 使用状态机创建了一个类似于Azure ML Studio的MLaaS应用程序.
  • vRealize Cloud Subscription Manager电子商务门户UI设计, 使客户能够购买各种vRealize SaaS产品的订阅.
Technologies: Electron, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, Shell Scripting, Python, React, Java, Spring Boot, CSS, APIs, HTML5, HTML, Figma, REST APIs, eCommerce, Node.js, React Hooks, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, React Redux, SCSS, Front-end, UI Development, Front-end Architecture, ECMAScript (ES6), User Interface (UI), UI Components, Back-end

Full-stack Developer

2019 - 2020
  • 创建了一个全栈应用程序,用于使用Spring引导管理medium -spa的系统, React with TypeScript, and PostgreSQL.
  • 开发了一个全栈电子商务应用程序,用于购买植物和其他相关产品 .NET Core, Vue.js, and PostgreSQL.
  • Designed a Spring Boot web sockets-based chat application.
  • 开发了一个用于管理时区的全栈应用程序,并使用Spring Security实现了粒度级基于角色的访问, PostgreSQL, and React.
Technologies: JavaScript, React, Spring Boot, Java, .NET Core, Vue 2, CSS, APIs, HTML5, HTML, REST APIs, React Hooks, NestJS, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, Front-end, UI Development, Front-end Architecture, ECMAScript (ES6), User Interface (UI), Back-end

React-based Portfolio
A web-based resumé using a React-based application. This lists skills, work experience, and education. 它有一个时间轴组件,集成了光和暗主题选项. 这是完全响应,可以在手机和桌面观看.

Zen Medispa and Dental Studio
该项目使用Spring Security实现授权和身份验证,并用于生成订单收据. 系统跟踪所有客户/员工、产品和下的订单. 然后管理员可以使用基于React的UI打印收据. The state is managed using Redux Store.

Chronos Time Zone Manager
一个Spring Boot,基于react的应用程序,用于管理用户的时区. This has three roles, which can be extended anytime. A user can add time zones and will be able to CRUD on those. 用户管理器还可以更新用户特权,创建/删除新用户或用户管理器,并对它们添加的时区进行CRUD. An administrator can CRUD on all users and their time zones. I also added a public API documentation using Swagger. All credentials are encrypted and stored in the database


Pokedex Application
A React-based application consuming public APIs for Pokédex. 我使用交集观察者JavaScript api实现了无限滚动. 此外,我还实现了一个CSS网格布局,以便有效地组织每个Pokemon的贴图.


Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS3, HTML, CSS, SCSS, HTML5, ECMAScript (ES6), SQL, GraphQL, Python


Spring Boot, Angular, Redux, Ember.js, Spring, Electron,, Express.js, Material UI, Ant Design, Tailwind CSS, Next.js, .NET Core, Spring Security, Swagger, Cypress, NestJS


React, Node.js, React Redux, Vue, REST API, Vue 2, Redux- saga, Formik, LinkedIn API, WebRTC


GitHub, Figma, Slack, IntelliJ IDEA, Git, RabbitMQ


Web Development, Full-stack, APIs, Full-stack Development, Back-end, React Hooks, Front-end, UI Development, UI Components, User Interface (UI), Integration Testing, Front-end Architecture, eCommerce, Middleware, Shell Scripting, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Deep Learning, Big Data, Data Structures, Algorithms, Programming, Responsive UI, Spring WebFlux, GPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT)


MySQL, RDBMS, NoSQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB


Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Functional Programming


MacOS, Apache Kafka, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

2014 - 2018

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Thapar University - Patiala, Punjab, India


Microsoft Global Hackathon Winner



Certified React Developer
